THE CHIMU OFFERINGS: Integration of applied science and new media

Example of integration of disciplines and professionals that use different technologies as part of the research process, recovery and revalorization of one of the major collections of metals of pre-Hispanic heritage of Peru. It includes laboratory analysis of the vessels with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and x-rays, and their analytical, iconographic, technological and symbolic study in order to understand the society and the specialized work of the pre-Hispanic goldsmiths. To finally use new media to bring the public these highly complex processes using tools and techniques of digital art such as video mapping, video editing, 2D animation and 3D animation.

The Chimu Offerings has been selected for “V Congreso de Restauración de Metales”, September 1-5, 2014 and “Jornadas de Conservación y Restauración”, Patrimonio Cultural-Municipalidad de Lima, August 27, 2015, both were held in Lima, Peru. Also has been selected by “Digital Heritage 2015 - International Congress”, Granada, Spain, September 28 - October 2 and “Segundo Congreso Internacional: El Patrimonio Cultural y las Nuevas Tecnologías”, Mexico City, Mexico, October 12-16, both in 2015, and IV Interamerican Congress of Microscopy - CIASEM 2017, Varadero, Cuba, September 25-29, 2017.